Sunday, December 18, 2005

Merry Christmas

There...I said it and I meant it! Merry Christmas!! If you're offended by that then you needn't bother to return to my blog. I don't say it to offend or to put off anyone. I wish everyone very happy holidays, whatever holiday you choose to celebrate (or not). But I happen to celebrate Christmas, and so my wish is that everyone celebrating this particular holiday will have a most blessed Christmas season. I LOVE this time of year!

What a week this has been...! On Tuesday night Dominic and I went to the Lenny Kravitz/Aerosmith concert. It was awesome, to say the least. We had such a great time. The music was wonderful, the lights were amazing, the energy was unbelievable and contagious. We "rocked out" 'til I think I broke my rocker. My body ached for two days after...or more.

And two days after the concert I had my 41st birthday. So are the aches from age, cancer, bad shoes, or a combination of all of these? With this type of question it's usually safest to go with the 'D' option: all of the above. But it was all soooo worth it! Would I see a concert again with my teenage son? Absolutely!!

I thank all of you for your sweet birthday well-wishing. The cards and emails and phone calls are always greatly appreciated and make me feel special. I had a very good day at work, thanks to the flower delivery man, my friends and co-workers, lunch with Deb, and emails from friends and family in multiple states. Unfortunately, by the time I got home from work I was feeling fairly crummy and spent the evening on the couch under a blanket. Poor Brian and Dominic had hotdogs for supper and I had saltines. We didn't even cut the birthday pie (oh my gosh! and we still haven't!!). So while it wasn't the way I would have chosen to spend my birthday night, it was still a very good day. Thank you!

Last night was Brian's company party and tonight is my company party. So this morning/afternoon I'm laying low and taking it easy. I don't like that I get so tired and achey so easily anymore. But that's the way it is, and I realize I'm quite fortunate in that it could be a whole hekuva lot worse.

This Wednesday brings another infusion and injection. If any of you are ever interested in stopping in while I’m hooked up at the VLCC, please do so. What a super surprise that would be! (this week my appt is at 1:00) Sometimes I like to just sit there and read or watch TV or veg. Other times I spend that 1+ hour reflecting on the cancer. And sometimes I wish I had someone there to keep me company. I realize it’s tough to find an hour in a week to, literally, just sit. But if you’re ever so inclined you would be most welcomed by me, the nurses and the staff.

I guess that’s all I have for today; other than to request your continuing prayers for me, more prayers for Mary Jo (who seems to be handling the chemo pretty well, but now messed up her back), and for my sister-in-law, Bert, and her family who suffered a very sad loss recently. I think most of you know that I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. Keep up the good work!


1 comment:

KB (for dear Carol) said...

You may or may not notice the incorrect posting time of this blog entry. I had some difficulties getting it to post, so the date/time are wrong. Not that it's a big deal, just thought a couple of you might get confused. The post date and time should be Saturday the 17th at noon-ish.