Friday, January 27, 2006

The Hip Bone's Connected to the...

The really, really GOOD news is that my cancer remains bone only! It does not appear to have spread to my lungs, or liver, or any other organ!

Ok…let’s all breathe a huge, collective sigh of relief…

Now, the not-as-good news is that there appear to be some new spots on the bones, and there appears to be some intensifying of some old spots. This is now our focus.

More good news is that my neck looks to be much better as a result of the radiation we did after the last PET scan. However, my hips look to be worse, especially the right one. I will have an MRI of my pelvis done on Monday and I’ll get the results of that on Thursday with the radiation oncologist, Dr. Schulz. He will determine if radiation is warranted at this time.

I’m going to start seeing Dr. Kumar on a monthly basis to track things more closely. If, for example, my number jumps to a 300 in February we probably won’t change things too dramatically. If the number jumps to a 600, we may have to proceed to our next option. It’s more about the number trends than the actual numbers. When I asked what this number caps out at, he said he has a woman who is at 2800! It’s all so mind boggling.

There are some other hormonal options to pursue, and some we can even revisit. There may be another biopsy involved, if the numbers do keep going up, to confirm the hormonal receptivity of the cancer. Strangely enough, that is a factor that can change.

I guess our biggest challenge is learning how to deal with a chronic disease. While we feel like we just have to sit back and wait, we don’t know what we’re waiting for. So that mindset no longer works, or applies here. It isn’t a matter of ‘doing’ or ‘not doing.’ It’s a matter of accepting that this cancer is here to stay.

Our goal will always be to preserve quality of life for as long as possible. Without new symptoms there’s no reason to jump the gun and fear the worst…which is definitely what I was doing this whole week. I’m sorry if I dragged all of you along on the fear train! BUT…by telling you of my concerns and making you aware of what was going on, it started those prayer chains a rollin’, and you can’t tell me that didn’t play a role in today’s good news!

I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it…I couldn’t get through all of this without the prayers, love and support of all of you! THANK YOU from deep within my bones.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I have an appointment with Dr K on Friday at 2:30 to get my scan results. We're VERY thankful for this so we won't have to fret and make ourselves crazy all weekend long!

I'll try to blog as soon after that as possible so all of you have the results as well.

As a point of reference: the last PET scan I had was in June of 2004. It was at that time that we learned the cancer was in my bones. But we had to do an MRI of the "hot spots" to determine the extent of the cancer and verify it was for sure in the bones at those locations, not the tissue or any organs. What this means is that after the PET scan there could likely be another scan scheduled to get more specific information of any problem areas.

I'm doing pretty good today. Keeping very busy here at work, which helps. I'm a little worried about Brian. Say some extra prayers for him please! I haven't mentioned any of this to Dominic yet. I'll wait until at least Friday afternoon when we'll maybe know a little more. Why should his 15-yr-old brain have to toss this around all week?!

Wishing all of YOU peace!! I have a better idea what it's like for you guys to feel pretty helpless in trying to help me now that I have those same feelings about Dave. Thanks for sticking with me!!

Love to all

Monday, January 23, 2006


Not a football in the end zone…
Not my hair…
Not the punch (although a drink right now sounds pretty good!)…

No, I’m referring to my tumor marker number. Spiked…upward…largely…badly…

I’m now looking at a 290.9. That’s more than double what it was three months ago.

We’re going to do a PET scan on Thursday afternoon to find the hot spots. The indication is that the “activity” we saw on the bone scan in November was not significant enough to believe that’s what’s causing this elevation in the numbers. We’re going to (hopefully) confirm that things have not spread elsewhere in my body.

I got the number at about 9:00 this morning but was waiting to blog until after the nurse spoke with Dr. K. She just now called, at 3:15.

I’ve been dreading typing this up all day. I HATE to put this out there for my family to read. There’s enough going on already with Dave starting his chemo on Wednesday!! I’m sorry. I tried to be unselfish and hold off until after we see the scan results, but I just couldn’t. I need the prayer chains in motion asap. And too many of you knew I was getting results today, so if the phone started ringing I would have had to start telling all of you anyway. No news should be good news, and this would not have been good news to throw at you later, rather than sooner.

I’m really glad I didn’t call from Vegas to get my number. That would have sucked all of the fun right out of our time away.

I will keep you posted…

Friday, January 13, 2006

Am I Pink

What a difference a week makes! I AM pink! Pink as in healthy; pink as in my 'survivor' color; pink as in my cheeks are pink (not my peeks are chink, it's a little early in the day for that).

I look back at where I was last Friday and can't believe what opposite ends of the spectrum I am at. I haven't been that low in a very, very long time! But...the flu seems to have been good for me. Not only did it give me a thorough flushing physically, but I seem to have been flushed out mentally and emotionally as well. I felt great this whole week. I have renewed positive energy and attitude and laughter. I don't feel like I'm dragging around a pack on my back.

I didn't realize it until the other day, but I think I've been loaded down with negative baggage ever since my bone scan. I honestly think that in the back of my mind I was focusing on the cancer "activity" in my hip and shoulder blade. I became overly cautious and worrisome about what I should and shouldn't be doing. Enough of that! Now that I realize what I was doing to jeopardize my own mood I can toss it aside and feel light and ready to roll into this brand new year!

Wednesday, 1/11, was NOT a shithouse. It was a great day! I had lunch with 9 wonderful women. I took chocolates to the VLCC as a thank you to them for making my 5-year Cancer Survivor anniversary possible. I took a deep breath, thanked God for all the many, many supporters I have, and vowed to celebrate even bigger on my 10-year anniversary!

Reports on my brother, Dave, have been very promising. The cancer is contained to his neck and chest, which is good. No spreading to other organs or distant body parts. He'll finish up with a few more tests next week and then the chemo will commence. From what I can tell at this distance, he has the right attitude and should come through all of this just fine. Please keep him in your prayers!

Offer up some extra prayers for me too, please, for next week's appointment. We'll do another blood draw and have high hopes that my tumor marker number has come down.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Off to get my hairs cut...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Am I Blue

Not a question, more of a statement.

And I am blue. Really blue. Sadly, pathetically, deep down, no sign of "wonder woman" here, blue.

Still home with the flu, although feeling quite a bit better, as far as that goes. Brian left to go up by the Ludens to snowmobile and Dominic is overnight at a friend's house. So I'm sitting here feeling really lonely, and feeling a little sorry for myself. I'm sure I just need a good night's sleep. But I've slept so much the past few days and watched far too much mindless tv, it's just plain sad.

I hate these breakdowns because they make me feel so weak. And, of course, they generally hit when I'm not feeling so good physically, so my defenses are down.

Three days to get over the flu is just ridiculous. I have things to do with my life and I can't just waste away three whole days like this. It makes me feel cheated of 'time.'

The house is too quiet. I need to go call someone now before I go a little crazy. I hope I can find one of you home on a Friday night!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


111 --- My mother-in-law taught me that a 111 in bowling is called a “shithouse.” I have learned, over the course of time, that that number applies to other pretty lousy things. For example: 1/11 (2001) I received my initial diagnosis of breast cancer. Now, on 1/11 (2006) my youngest brother, Dave, will travel to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester to have some tests done. You see, Dave and his wife, Kate, received one of the worst possible Christmas “gifts” this year. Dave has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease.

As a result of this heart-wrenching news, we have added a fourth member to the “Breiter Cancer Survivor Group.” But we welcome him with open arms! And SURVIVORS are what we truly are!! The initiation procedure really sucks, but once you get past that, it’s a good group with which to belong. (And my brother, Jerry, told Dave we serve cookies. Hmmm…I must have missed those meetings.)

The Hodgkin’s is a certain diagnosis. The testing to be done at Mayo is to re-confirm the course of treatment. There will be various scans, blood tests, etc. performed over these next couple of weeks. Chemo will most likely begin the week of 1/17 or 1/23.

My wish/hope/prayer is that this experience will really become a “gift” for Dave. There are many ways to face and cope with a cancer diagnosis. There are many ways to get through the situation. Maybe, down the road, he’ll be able to look back upon these next several months and find that some further good has come into his life as a result of this “bump in the road.”

Dave’s wife, Kate, is a strong woman. She has proven that time and time again. For those of you who haven’t made the connection, these two are parents to Mighty Mark, and Baby Joe. (Happy Birthday Marky…born 7 years ago today at 1 pound, 7 ounces, he will forever be our new year’s miracle!!!) So, you see, Dave has a great support system right under his own roof. Kate is there by his side, and his two adorable, funny, lively children will help to keep the smiles coming.

My very wise father hit the nail on the head when he made the observation that ‘it seems to be easier to have the cancer than to have a loved one be diagnosed with cancer.’ This situation is very difficult for me to come to terms with. It’s not fair to Dave. It’s not fair to his family, or our family as a whole. BUT…fair or not, we are SURVIVORS and I will do everything I can to help Dave and Kate get through these trying times.

You know what to do! And you, obviously, know how to do it incredibly well! Please get those prayers heaven sent. They can only help to make a lousy situation a little bit more tolerable.

I wish you and yours HEALTH in 2006!