Monday, January 23, 2006


Not a football in the end zone…
Not my hair…
Not the punch (although a drink right now sounds pretty good!)…

No, I’m referring to my tumor marker number. Spiked…upward…largely…badly…

I’m now looking at a 290.9. That’s more than double what it was three months ago.

We’re going to do a PET scan on Thursday afternoon to find the hot spots. The indication is that the “activity” we saw on the bone scan in November was not significant enough to believe that’s what’s causing this elevation in the numbers. We’re going to (hopefully) confirm that things have not spread elsewhere in my body.

I got the number at about 9:00 this morning but was waiting to blog until after the nurse spoke with Dr. K. She just now called, at 3:15.

I’ve been dreading typing this up all day. I HATE to put this out there for my family to read. There’s enough going on already with Dave starting his chemo on Wednesday!! I’m sorry. I tried to be unselfish and hold off until after we see the scan results, but I just couldn’t. I need the prayer chains in motion asap. And too many of you knew I was getting results today, so if the phone started ringing I would have had to start telling all of you anyway. No news should be good news, and this would not have been good news to throw at you later, rather than sooner.

I’m really glad I didn’t call from Vegas to get my number. That would have sucked all of the fun right out of our time away.

I will keep you posted…

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