Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

But no Jiggity Jig. I could hurt myself dancing like that.

I know there are many of you out there who have been waiting to hear what we learned at the Mayo Clinic. So here it is...

From the time we arrived at the check-in desk at 7am Tuesday morning, to the time we left the Clinic to go back to our hotel room, it was 3 1/2 hours. Included in that time was checking in all of my scans, reports, pathology slides, and xrays, a blood draw, breakfast in the cafeteria, waiting in the exam room, about 40 minutes total with the doctor himself, and a 20 minute wait thrown in the middle while he consulted with his "boss."

They were in total agreement with all that has been done so far in my treatment, from the very beginning. Their recommendation is to now discontinue the Faslodex and start on a chemo pill called Xeloda. This is something I would take twice a day for 2 weeks, then have some down time of a week or two, and take it again for 2 weeks, etc, etc. As with any form of chemo, there are potential side effects. Only time will tell which of those effects I will experience. We are also going to proceed with the radiation, scheduled to begin daily on March 20.

Over the past week or so I have begun to feel a lot more discomfort in my hips and legs. More understandable when we see that my tumor marker has jumped to over 500 in the course of the past two weeks time! The Mayo docs think that to just switch to another hormone type therapy would be a waste, since none of the others appear to have helped.

I called Dr. Kumar from the road this morning and he readily agreed with this course of treatment. I will meet with him after we're back from Mexico and get things set up and started. While it's a little scary, both Brian and I agree that it's about time we do something more aggressive like this. The Xeloda is, generally, well-tolerated. That's a plus.

While it was a short visit at Mayo, we feel it was worth every cent, every mile, and every minute. We also were able to see my family in Mankato on Tuesday night and had a lot of laughs at dinner and while playing cards with Mom and Dad. THAT's the best medicine of all!!

Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts! Please keep them coming in full force as we step into this new phase of treatment.

Before leaving Mankato today we stopped up to the Oncology Clinic and wished Dave good luck with his infusion. You know...Dave...the one who's still holding on to all his hair!! Looking good there little brother!!

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