Monday, November 20, 2006


I went in to the clinic today prepared for "anything" they might throw at me. Good thing too, because my numbers are all out of whack again/still, so we could not proceed with any treatment. Instead I will once again benefit from the generosity of a stranger who took the time to donate their precious blood. Yes, another infusion for me tomorrow.

On the upside...I did not throw up even once last week! And also on the upside...we will be able to travel over the river and through the woods to MN for Thanksgiving and I won't have any of the chemo stuff in my system to mess me up. Brian will have to drive the whole way again though. Driving has been removed from my list of things I'm capable of doing safely.

As far as the bloody noses go, I'm going to be seeing an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor just to confirm there's nothing else going on in there and that the problem really is related to the Avastin. I fear the "nose hose" after seeing Brian go through it how many times! But, as always, I'll do what I have to do to rule out other complications.

BIG thanks to Penny and little miss Mary for hauling me around today. Once Mary realized I wasn't just the babysitter and that Momma would be sticking around, she stopped crying and was happy to share her crayons with me. She was adorable therapy this afternoon!

In case I don't get back to the computer before the weekend, I wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving. It is amazing all the goodness in our lives for which we can be thankful. Each of you is a blessing in my life and I cherish you all!

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