Saturday, April 21, 2007


I recognize most of them, and most of them recognize me. That's how it works when you become a semi-regular patient at the hospital. Even if it's on an out-patient basis. Why do I bring this up now? Because I spent most of my day in one of their semi-comfy beds yesterday.

In the morning I had a bloody nose that wouldn't stop and bleeding gums that wouldn't stop. I was a mess. Add to that some kind of funky vision problems and it was time to call the clinic. They ran some tests, did some basic stuff, then sent me off to the hospital for a unit of blood and some platelets. Dr K also added another drug to my daily regime, something that will hopefully get all this bleeding under control. Unfortunately it's 2 pills, 4 times/day. That's a lot more pills to start sending through my system. And I imagine there will be side effects to one extent or another.

The sun is shining here again today. Time to ride along with Brian to go get some fresh fish for the pond. Ours did not fare too well this past winter. A road trip may do me some good...

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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