Thursday, August 09, 2007

We've Come to a Decision...

Hello, all.

I wasn't sure where to go with Carol's blog at this point. Some have told me that they still go back to read entries, or that they would like it to stick around indefinitely just because. It began as a tool for Carol to share her progress, medical jargon and feelings with all of us. I can't speak for everyone, but based on the number of people that have approached me since Carol asked me to take it over, I think it really served it's purpose.

Carol said she trusted me with it, and I feel honored to have that come from someone that was such a natural writer. After talking to some of her family members, I have decided to use Carol's Connection as a home base for all information Carol-related. I'll post any cancer fund-raising events, special things done in her memory and hopefully some cancer treatment break-throughs, as well. Although Carol's memory is held strong within all of us, this can be another way to keep the cause she fought for alive.

If anybody would like me to post information to share, please get in touch.

For those of you golfing at Sunset Hills this weekend, pay special attention to hole #5. A tree will be dedicated to Carol tomorrow night and there is a plaque with her name on it.

A special thank you goes out to Brian's sister, Penny, for getting pink "In Loving Memory of Carol Stecker" Tshirts made up for everyone that is golfing and/or doing the Road America cancer walk in October. We all really appreciate the effort involved.

Speaking of the cancer walk...Sue and I will be co-captains for team "Carol's Crusaders" this year. More info on that coming soon.

It's been a rough couple weeks and I know these events coming up are just going to stir up the ole emotional pot for everyone. We all miss her like mad. What gets me through each day is knowing that she's still there whenever I need to talk, just like she always was.

-Kristi B

1 comment:

lois.girten said...

thank you for your love of Carol,
so her Connection with us
continues to live strong.
Is it possible to purchase
pink "In Loving Memory of Carol Stecker" Tshirts?
Lois (cousin)