Tuesday, August 14, 2007

If Only It Grew On Trees

The golf rally was a big success! Over $21,000 was raised this year!

There were over 250 golfers and plenty of others that stopped in for a burger and a beer. The sun was shining and there was this sense of unity with everyone...all coming together for this great cause. Kudos to Ed, Amy and all of the friends, family and volunteers that made this special event happen.


Wendy Hendrikse said...

That's AWESOME!!!! Hats off to Ed & Amy, Jeff & Deb, Brother Brian, and ALL the other people who put in SO much time & effort to make this another GREAT year!! My family & I had a WONDERFUL time golfing, helping out, and just visiting with everyone who attended the outing.

A special "THANK YOU" to KB for keeping up on Carol's Connection. I think you're doing an AWESOME job. Carol would be VERY proud of you!!!

Unknown said...

If there's an event like this next year, let me know as I'd like to participate.

Jason Bock