Friday, April 11, 2008

As the birds chips and buds bloom

Well, it's been a while. I apologize if you have been coming here on a regular basis, looking for news or random thoughts. The main reason you haven't seen much of me lately is because I don't really have anything newsworthy to say. I have plenty of opinions and events going on in my own life, but none of them relate to Carol.

With the weather picking up (ok, maybe not this week) there will be fundraisers to plan for and information to share. I'll try to stay on top of things. For those of you involved with events, send me an email if you want anything posted.

So, we all weathered that looong, drawn out winter and have new life to look forward to. Spring is upon us and the warmth will soon be on our backs. This time of year reminds me of Carol a lot. There was a renewed energy when the days got nice and I could see Carol's smile light up the room when she walked into my office. The first thought that popped into our heads would be "what a great afternoon to be sitting outside with a bloody mary".

There still isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about Carol. I know that is the case for many. I still have times where I really need to pick up that phone to tell her something because she's the one that would understand. But, along with realizing that it's no longer an option, I also realize that it's OK. I understand that she was brought into my life for a reason. She has taught me so much about relationships, family and the priorities in life. Her knowledge and sense of humor enlightened me and changed my way of viewing things. I have learned to cherish the experiences and celebrate the gifts that Carol has given me.