Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Start Spreadin' the News

I'm leavin' today...(well, really tomorrow)! New York, New York!

I'm getting all excited now. Kristi (KB) and I fly out tomorrow evening for NYC! What an adventure this will be. And while I really wish that Brian was going to be there to experience all of this with me, and make me feel safe(r) on the streets of the Big Apple, I know that Kristi is my ideal travel partner for this trip and that we are going to have a BLAST!

In my younger days I loved to travel and wouldn't think twice about hopping in my car alone and heading out to places unknown. Post-Dominic I became a 'little' more cautious. The older I got, the more cautious still. Then came the Big C and I seem to have tossed a little bit of that caution to the wind again. I think that's a good thing. When my time comes, it will come. A couple of people have asked me if I'm nervous about being in New York because of terrorists and muggers and all of the bad things you hear about. I'm not worried in the least. I won't be stupid and walk down dark alleys or wave $20 bills in the air. But this is such a great opportunity. I intend to embrace the city to the best of my ability. I told KB that I will give it my all and try to keep up with her. It will be energy well spent!

Happy Trails to Me/Us!

Friday, August 19, 2005


Wow! I can't believe it has taken me all week to sit down and finally enter this blog. Wow! I can't believe what an incredible couple of days I had last weekend. Wow! I can't believe the amazing family into which I was born, and the amazing family into which I married.

Last Saturday was the 3rd annual Rally For A Cure golf outing. I am pleased to announce it was a great success. And that is, in large part, due to my family and friends. The time and effort that go into this thing is immeasurable. The love and support I feel from attending cannot be put into words. This event is not about me. But it does raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, so I tend to personalize it a wee bit.

Going above and beyond the 'usual' wonderfulness of themselves, The Wychesit/Brusse family caught me totally off guard with their generosity. Baby Mary presented me with a heartwarming letter on Friday evening, accompanied by an envelope that contained money to sponsor a hole in my honor. I was blown away! What an unbelievable gift! I was speechless. And later, those tears I mentioned in a recent blog came to the surface. I had a great weekend, but that just put the icing on the cake.

Also, one of the silent auction items was a walking stick made by Amy's sister. It is one of the coolest pink ribbon items I have ever seen. It was made specifically for this year's Rally and came with a truly inspirational poem. I HAD to have it (sorry, Lisa) and so I kept raising the bid until it was mine. Then Julie even personalized it with my name. For now it is a work of art displayed at home. I intend to use it for the 4-mile walk at RoadAmerica in October. And one day, who knows, it may serve as my 'cane'.

As if that weren't all enough...on Monday I received some touching photos from my sister, Sue, of her children. On Friday night, and again Saturday morning, they participated in the Relay For Life. Walking, walking, walking. The pictures were of them decorating a luminary to place around the track that then burned all night long. They made me teary at my desk. And, the team they were a part of raised over $10,000 for the American Cancer Society! Fabulous! Again...a spectacular gift that couldn't be more appreciated.

I honestly am humbled by these experiences. The strength I draw from the love and support of family and friends is what sustains me, day in and day out. Money doesn't buy happiness? I don't know. All the money raised could one day be that most important dollar that is used to develop the cure! Imagine the HAPPINESS then!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'm me again!

2 hours 45 minutes (and several coins) hair is back to "normal."

It's now just a little lighter than my natural color, and that will become obvious when the roots start to show. But I PROMISED my hair wizard that I won't ever attempt to color it myself again. Maybe next time she can go half a shade darker to get closer without going over. My whole purpose in coloring was to get back to my natural color so I don't have to worry about the root situation any more! (and to disguise some of those greys)

One person told me the goth look made my eyes pop. I thought the look was making everyone else's eyes pop!!

It's good to be me!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'll do my crying in the rain

Tears are an odd phenomenon, don't you think? For example...

Yesterday morning I woke to my radio, as I do every weekday. They gave me the time, the temp, and then said "for those of you just joining us this morning, we are mourning the death of Peter Jennings." I cried. I cried and I lost all ambition to get out of bed or move or do anything that I needed to do on a Monday morning. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. The man announces he has lung cancer in April, and by August he's dead?!? I have always been impressed by Peter Jennings. His voice, his knowledge, his delivery, his compassion. He did great things with his life. Not bad for a guy who never even graduated from high school. So I cried in the shower and I cried on my (late) drive to work, and I teared up once or twice at my desk. Not just because Peter Jennings died, but because he became another damn statistic. Another awful Cancer statistic. And those statistics hit a little too close to my home and heart.

Today was a whole new tear-fest. But...these were tears from laughing so hard! Laughing at myself that is.

I did a bad, bad thing. I wanted to get back to my original hair color (dark brown for those of you who don't remember). I bought a box of stuff, mixed it up, applied, waited only 25 of the recommended 30 minutes turned out black! I have black hair! I've been told it looks goth, ethnic, and like an old lady trying to cover her greys (ok, that part is partially true). It's funny! It's very, very funny! I got to work and we laughed most of the morning at my misfortune. Then at noon I got it cut into a bob and my hair wizard tried to lighten it up. We'll continue that process tomorrow afternoon. The craziest part of all is the way the color took to my hair. It's very calico. Some areas are dark brown like it showed on the box and some areas are black, but all around my face is black. No, I don't have any photos. I don't think they would do it justice.

I have high hopes for my hair wizard tomorrow. Otherwise, we could be looking at tears of horror!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hello? Is this thing on?

Sometimes, in later conversations, I find out that someone has read my blog. They make a reference on the phone or through an email. But, I'm curious as to how many folks are actually reading this thing. Should I just be sending out emails instead? Would that promote better 'conversation'?

I remember some people saying that it was difficult to figure out how to leave a comment. Is it that tricky? I haven't tried.

I guess what I'm asking for is some feedback. Leave a comment here. Let me know if I should continue on, or switch over to emails.

To those of you 1/2 dozen or so who let me know you're reading, or who leave the occasional comment, I thank you. It makes a difference!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


So I received a reply from a woman at LiveStrong. She gave me a link to a website that directs me to various clinical trials. That's all.

Maybe I was being a little unrealistic, but I thought maybe they had professionals on staff who would look at my specific situation as described in my message and say "by golly, this woman needs to go to Clinic X and see Dr. Z!"

I will go ahead and fill out the form on the web link and see if I qualify for any of the trials. In the past, I have not. Depending on what comes up I can then decide if I want to get involved. It's a little scary to be part of a 'trial' --- but I know that it's 100% necessary if there's ever going to be a cure found.

I want to see another doctor somewhere. Get a second 2nd opinion. (my first second opinion was last Sept in Madison) I'm just not sure how to figure out where to go...

As Brian and I said last night...we're in the exact same spot we were at this time last year. That can be seen as a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the perspective of the day. At the moment, it seems like a bad thing.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Hey! Watch where you're putting that thing!

Well, I survived my injection on Friday but it was...yes...a real pain in the ass!! However, the nurse was quite adept and the procedure itself was quite tolerable. I blame my poor performance on the golf course Friday evening on the new meds though. (Come on...I can do that!)

I was told to keep active so the meds would travel well through my system; hence the golf game Friday, and the new record on my pedometer on Saturday (beat the old Yachats record by about 500 steps).

Physically, I'm fairly stiff all over. Not sure if that's all meds, or from lots of weekend activity, or both. Mentally, I'm doing much better and am now just anxious to hear back from the fine folks at LiveStrong. Emotionally, I'm a whole heckuva lot better than I was. It must be this constant messing with my hormones that make me well up. (oh yeah, and because sometimes I'm reminded that I have cancer)

So now we're back on guard duty and will continue to keep a close eye on the numbers, particularly over these next 3 months or so. It sucks, but I'm just going to slip back into avoidance mode for a while. It seems to be an effective survival technique for me!

Welcome to August. Hard to believe July is over and done with. Weren't we just walking on the Oregon coast?!?