Monday, August 01, 2005

Hey! Watch where you're putting that thing!

Well, I survived my injection on Friday but it was...yes...a real pain in the ass!! However, the nurse was quite adept and the procedure itself was quite tolerable. I blame my poor performance on the golf course Friday evening on the new meds though. (Come on...I can do that!)

I was told to keep active so the meds would travel well through my system; hence the golf game Friday, and the new record on my pedometer on Saturday (beat the old Yachats record by about 500 steps).

Physically, I'm fairly stiff all over. Not sure if that's all meds, or from lots of weekend activity, or both. Mentally, I'm doing much better and am now just anxious to hear back from the fine folks at LiveStrong. Emotionally, I'm a whole heckuva lot better than I was. It must be this constant messing with my hormones that make me well up. (oh yeah, and because sometimes I'm reminded that I have cancer)

So now we're back on guard duty and will continue to keep a close eye on the numbers, particularly over these next 3 months or so. It sucks, but I'm just going to slip back into avoidance mode for a while. It seems to be an effective survival technique for me!

Welcome to August. Hard to believe July is over and done with. Weren't we just walking on the Oregon coast?!?

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