Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Nervous Nelly

As the day progresses I find myself tapping my foot a little more and becoming increasingly more tense. I have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Kumar this afternoon. We're going to further discuss what this change in numbers might mean and what steps we need to take, aside from the change in meds. Brian is coming with me, much to my relief.

I know I should have a lot of questions, but I don't. Not really. My brain won't let me 'go there' or something. I'm hopeful that Brian has questions. Or better yet, I hope it's another situation where the Doc answers the questions before we even have to ask. He's good at that!

I already know that we may not do a scan now but "save" it for the future. The body can only take so many x-rays and scans and radiation sessions before it becomes a new problem of its own. So we have to scan wisely. I'd like to know though, of course. I'd like to know what looks different now, and in what way, from how it looked a year ago.

I don't have an impending feeling of doom. I do have an overwhelming sense of being in limbo.

More later...after the appt.

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