Friday, August 31, 2007

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy

It is SUCH a beautiful day out there. I would almost consider it perfect. Not a cloud, mid 70s, dry air, tiny breeze. Can't really think of what could make it any better.

Funny how the weather can really make or break a person's day. It makes us happy to have the sun shining on our face... and crabby when it's pouring cats and dogs and we have to run to our car parked waaay over there. A pretty snowfall makes for a fun day to get cozy in the house and watch the ginormous flakes come down... but then we get cranky when we are breaking our backs with snow removal.

The weather also gives us something to talk about. How many times a day do you hear people bring it up at work or at the store? And not only today's weather, but what the weekend is going to bring, as well. It's also a conversation starter when you meet someone new. "Boy, sure is windy out there today, huh?"

The weather affects our mental health in a number of ways, but today it's all about sunshine, so let's concentrate on that. If you're going golfing, working on the yard or just having a beer on the deck with friends... enjoy this beautiful day. Make it a positive one.

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