Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Press-ing news

Sheboygan Press, that is. There was an article in the paper last week looking for people to respond for the newspaper's "annual report." The theme was "Firsts" and there was a long list of subheadings. One of those was First Chemotherapy. Something in me clicked and I decided to respond. I sent off an email that told of my first day of chemo and how Brian and I got through it. The woman who replied told me it was eloquently written. And so we got together today and she interviewed me over lunch. The article will appear in the Sheboygan Press either March 20th or 27th. I didn't feel I did a very good job saying what I wanted to say, but she was wonderful, and I'm now curious to see what she writes. It sounded like she was interviewing only three of us to include in the chemo portion. For those of you who don't get the paper, I'll hopefully be able to send you a link if/when it's online. I don't know if what I wrote will be included or not, but I'll share that with all of you as well.

Dominic is feeling well and back in school this week and has his first wrestling meet this Thursday. Yikes! I'll try to be strong.

Brian and I are getting excited about our trip to the Riviera Maya in Mexico (just south of Cancun). We leave this weekend and so the work week is dragging unbearably.

Tomorrow is another infusion of the bone strengthener. We're also going to re-test my blood and see where my tumor marker number is at. I don't know if I'll have those results before we leave the country or not. Part of me thinks I'd rather wait until our return, but part of me wants to know right away. If I learn anything on Friday I'll be sure to fill you in!

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