Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Slight Change in Plans

At last, I think I have all the information that pertains to the current course of treatment.

Radiation will begin this coming Thursday. We will radiate my left pelvis first, Monday through Friday, for a total of 20 sessions. Then we'll take a break of maybe two weeks, followed by 20 sessions of radiating my right pelvis.

The Xeloda chemo pills will not be prescribed until after I complete the radiation. Dr S and Dr K sat down and discussed it and agreed that there would just be too many side effects to deal with if I were to undergo both at the same time. Because the cancer remains "bone only" there is no urgency to start the chemo immediately. The radiation is being done first to stabilize some of the bones. Once on the Xeloda I will probably be taking those pills for a year...if all goes as planned.

Thank you for tuning in for this Medical Moment.

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