Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Keeping it Brief

The results of the lab work on the fluid from around my lungs showed NO cancer cells! This is very reassuring. We need to now see what the chest x-ray shows next week to make sure there are no spots within the lung itself.

Keysha has run away twice now since Niko was put to sleep, but was returned by kind neighbors both times. She's one strong dog to have managed to break out of her pen, even after Brian did some strengthening of the wire. Her grieving seems to be getting a little better as she didn't spend the whole day howling today. Brian has been well-distracted by her, I think.

All for now since my tummy is rather upset today.

1 comment:

channelview said...

The Lord promises resurrection, which is not just eternal life, but eternal health. So, keep in mind that, in the end, the only thing the devil can do to you is scare you.

Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe.

I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.