Monday, June 25, 2007

A Little Off

Here I am, still in MN, feeling a little "off." Although better today, I've had a rough couple of days lately. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day since we'll need to be driving home.

The trip here was good with Dominic doing the 4-lane driving. I imagine we'll do the same thing on the way back.

We've watched all levels of baseball while here. Mark had his games on Mon & Wed with his daddy coaching. We went and saw the Mankato Moon Dogs play last Tuesday. And we've watched Twins ball on TV.

We also celebrated my Aunt Midge's 50th Jubilee. It was quite the nice celebration. And while I felt pretty crummy that day it was nice to see so many aunts, uncles and cousins. Once again I am amazed at how many people tell me they read my blog. The corresponding prayers are greatly, greatly appreciated!!

Wed brings another shot of Aranesp, and Thurs holds a follow-up gastroscopy. I hope that nothing unusual shows up. I have had bad problems with the blood clots in my mouth again though. No...I don't know why, or what causes them. I just know they have me awake pretty much every single hour at night. The lip/chin numbness is still there and has not changed at all. Unfortunately, I've bit the inside of my lip several times now and it's pretty raw. That I can feel!

Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and support. This "trial" is made somewhat easier knowing I have the gift of family and friends by my side.

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