Thursday, June 14, 2007

Minnesota Bound

I am going to be leaving again for MN on Saturday for another 10-day visit. This time Dominic is going with me so we'll be driving. Brian is too busy to be able to go with us, or to be spending much time at home during the days or evenings. So once again the change of scenery and time with my family will be really nice.

I had my one month check-up yesterday with Dr. K. We did a round of Zometa (bone strengthener) since I've been having this discomfort. We also increased the Fentanyl dosage in my patches. Hopefully all of that will help to ease the pain. Still no solid explanation as to why I have the numbness in my lip and chin. Dr K said it could be from a cancer lesion pressing on a nerve, or it could be Bell's Palsey. It hasn't gotten any worse, but it hasn't improved any either. I also have some numbness/tingling in the finger tips of my left hand.

I may or may not get around to blogging while in MN. That remains to be seen. In the meantime, I hope all of you are well and happy and enjoying your summers!

1 comment:

jeanneusa said...

Well I hope you enjoy your time with family. Mankato is a nice area and I bet the change of scenery will be good for you and Dominic. At least the weather is nicer now and you can get out and about better.
Have a great time :)