Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I Feel Like Carol Again!

I am very happy to report that, at least for today, I feel like my old self again! It's wonderful!!

Right or wrong, I took myself off of the steroids and I honestly think that is what has made the difference. Appartently it shouldn't have been the cause of anything I was feeling, but the fact that it was really the only foreign thing in my system I just had to give it a try. Maybe the timing is all a big coincidence, but they will have to put up a good argument to get me to go back on them again.

As long as my blood counts look good today, I should be popping the first of my chemo pills today or tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes...

Had a GREAT weekend with Dave & Kate and their boys. It was mellow and relaxing, but still so very nice to have them visit. Good therapy! Then Mom and Dad came and we had a lot of fun with them too! It was a really good 4-day weekend with lots of time spent with family and friends.

OK...back to work now. Just wanted to share my happy day with you!!

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