Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Pain Flares"

That's what I have...Pain Flares. The discomfort I feel now may have been brought on by any number of things...long ride in the car, super bumpy highway in southern Minnesota, holding Joey just a little too long, or just because the cancer felt it was time to shake things up a bit. I had intense pain on my right side yesterday (and Sunday). So now there's been an alteration in the approach to pain management. Instead of waiting until I feel some discomfort to pop an Ibuprofin or two, I am now on a regular schedule of taking larger doses throughout the day. The pain on my right seems to be under control, but the back spasms are continuing. It may take a little longer to figure those out.

I am officially done with the antibiotics now, so hopefully my tummy will get back to normal. Various side effects with those pills that I won't miss.

I am a much happier girl today than I was yesterday!

Also, for those of you who aren't aware...I have completed the radiation on my left side and have nine more to go on my right side. The date is still up in the air as to when we'll start the Xeloda, but it should be sometime this month.

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