Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I thought I was doing so well

After my last post I managed to sleep quite soundly every night...until last night. I had such pain in my legs all night that I only managed two hours of sleep when I first went to bed, and then I was up the rest of the night. My hips, femurs, and knees hurt very badly. I can barely walk without feeling like I'm going to fall over. Once again, I just can't find a comfortable position.

I had another treatment last Friday and I'm back on the chemo pills this week. I'm sure all of this lends itself to my pain. But I was feeling relatively human, and even went to work for a couple of hours yesterday. Today I'm both nauseous and terribly uncomfortable...not to mention tired!

I should have blogged last evening when I was doing better so this entry would be more "up."

My treatment on Friday was fairly uneventful. But as I was telling the nurses and the Nurse Practitioner about Dr K putting me on the Aleve, the Nurse Practitioner said "He must be thinking 'tumor fevers' -- he is just so smart! He makes me realize I have a lot to learn yet." I really like the N.P. (Cindy). And it's nice to know there's really a name for the fevers and the night sweats and that they really can be a good thing. That's what I keep telling myself about the pain in my legs now. It must be the meds attacking all the cancer in those areas. I hope I'm right!

My mailbox continues to overflow with cards of all kinds from a wide variety of people. I love it! Thank you oh so much for brightening my days!!

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