Thursday, September 21, 2006

It even hurts to count sheep

It's now about 2:30 in the morning and I haven't slept a wink yet. It's disappointing because I was fairly convinced that the little blue Aleve was my magic pill. Since starting to take it on Monday it has relieved the nausea and I haven't heaved or thrown up once! And it had also seemed to help with all of the body aches that I was having in my joints, lower back, shoulders, etc. But now tonight I am just so uncomfortable and I can't find a good position to sit, stand or lay down. You would think that between the Aleve and the Fentanyl patch I would be well covered in the pain area, but this is a rough night.

I feel clammy too, and sense that as soon as I do manage to fall asleep that the night sweat will hit soon. I'm down to only one episide a night, but it's still happening. At this point I don't care...I just want to sleep!

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