Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who found the golden ticket??

A few people have been asking today if the entrance tickets were coming in the mail. I didn't get mine...until I got home today and saw it in the mailbox, finally. You should get a small white postcard that has a little map on it. That is your entrance ticket. If you do not get yours by tomorrow (Friday), and the walk is creeping up right upon us, there is a ticket that you can print off from the American Cancer Society. Sue asked me to post it on the blog here, but the stupid software won't let me post an attachment. Grrr. Please call me or Sue and we will email you the ticket to print out.

They also said that they'll have a list of all registered participants at the gate, so I don't think that anyone will get kicked to the curb without a ticket.

Some of you know that there will be stock car races on Saturday, also. That is NEW to everyone. Usually the track is all ours and it's a very pleasant day/experience. We have NO idea why they booked two events of this size on the same day, but we're thinking it may be a little chaotic. Lord knows there are plenty of people there just for the cancer walk. I can't imagine what a zoo this may turn into, but let's all hope they know what they are doing. There are races in the morning, a break for us to walk, and then races in the aft. Ugh.

It could be a little tougher finding everyone by "the wall" than we had expected. Please call me or Sue if you have trouble. Most of us know a few people on the team, so keep your eyes open and do your best to find Carol's Crusaders. Sue will have a TEAM sign...and most of us should know some of the Stecker or Breiter crew.

Dress in layers, be prepared for some rain (cross fingers) and better early than late.
And thanks to all for being a part of this great team!!!
I know that Carol is looking down, incredibly proud.

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