Friday, January 19, 2007


I guess I failed to make it clear on here last week that I did proceed with a Taxol treatment last Friday, prior to the blood transfusion on Saturday. For some reason, folks around the clinic seemed to think I could have more Taxol today. I went in feeling that was not very realistic, given my history of whacky blood. Sure enough, we were able to get the Avastin going, but not the Taxol. My platelets were too low---AGAIN!

Not sure why anyone was surprised or disappointed. I think they think that the lower dose was the answer, but I knew better. No surprises for me. It went the way I thought it would. And we'll try again next week.

My now 16-year-old son drove me to today's appointment and hung out with me, since he had no school today. He's been to the clinic before, but not since I've had the port in place. He watched the entire access process and I'm sure was fascinated.

Feeling queasy tonight, but it's too early to take any more anti-nausea meds just yet. Bed time won't come soon enough!

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