Friday, January 05, 2007

Whoopee Doopee

We've learned over time to take the good with the bad. I am most pleased to be able to report the very good news that my tumor marker has dropped substantially again and I am now at 511! My heart definitely skipped a beat when they gave me the news today. At this rate I'll be back in a "safe" range before we know it!

The bad news is that my blood numbers dropped just since Wednesday so we couldn't do the Taxol again today. I did receive the Avastin, however. Both my platelets and my hemoglobin dropped. I opted to hold off on a transfusion until I really feel like I need it. I received the Aranesp today to boost those red blood cells so we'll see how that works for me. Neumega shots will start up daily on Monday for the platelets. Mine is just such an odd case all the way around. But they think the radiation beat up my bone marrow pretty badly and that's why the numbers just don't cooperate the way we'd like them to.

I shouldn't even say this, for fear of jinxing myself, but I have high hopes of getting my butt back in my chair at work by February. That's my new prayer request. It will truly be a sign that we have things fairly well under control.

Have a great weekend!

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