Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Need I say more?

The tumor marker number dropped back by over half after starting this new chemo. So, obviously, it was the right decision. It would be great to cut it in half again over the course of this next month. Then...maybe...we could eliminate some of these other drugs that leave me feeling so lousy.

Like most of you, we have a cold, snowy, blowy day here today. I'm not liking it at all!! We could stand to be blessed with sunshine and warmer temps. This has turned into an incredibly loooong winter!

1 comment:

jeanneusa said...

So happy to hear the tumor marker is down. Praise the Lord!!!
Dick the mail guy say's hi, he asked how you were doing today. He keeps you in his prayers.
Hopefully the weather is going to get better now, and then you can get out of the house and walk around in the yard. Take care.