Wednesday, April 04, 2007

First Try

I am pleased and proud to report that Dominic passed his road test first try yesterday! Sure, he lost some points, but still passed. It's a relief cuz it's one less hassle to deal with.

Feeling fairly yucky today. May have to break down and call the clinic this afternoon yet or tomorrow. I hate to do it, but I'm not enjoying my "off" week as much as I'd hoped...again. It's just always something!!

So far my version of spring cleaning has been to clean out two drawers and all of my purses. Now, granted, this took me three days to accomplish, but it's still a minor success on my part. I found lots of spare change in my purses. And I threw away lots of garbage in my drawers (like receipts from Xmas '05 --- that kind of thing). Next will hopefully be my file cabinet, but that task seems quite daunting. It's definitely on hold until I have a better day again.

I'm back to having lots of bloody noses and, even worse, blood clots in my mouth. It greatly affects my sleep at night. Obviously this is chemo related again. I'll have to bring it up with Dr K next week.

This cold, blustery day is doing nothing to help my mood. The wind gusts are terrible, but at least the giant snow flakes have stopped swirling around. (Oops! I take it back. Just looked outside and they're back in the air again.)

Going to try and take a short nap now...

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