Thursday, April 26, 2007

What Was I Saying?

Oh yes..."semi-regular"...

I was back in the hospital yesterday to get another blood transfusion and some iv fluids. Then today I seemed to have a bit of a reaction to the blood and ended up with a fever. That seems to be under control now with the good ol' extra strength Tylenol.

After a couple of rough days this week I sat down with Dr K yesterday and we decided to stop chemo treatments for a while (3 months?) to let my body try to do some "healing" on it's own. My system doesn't seem to be able to take much more and we've beat up my bone marrow pretty good. The hope is to start having some days of feeling more human, potentially enjoy the summer a bit more, but keep monitoring things with monthly appointments at the clinic.

In the long run is this the right decision? There's no way to know. BUT, the idea of feeling 'good' is so appealing right now that it's a chance I'm willing to take, and Dr K and other staff members seem to agree.

So while I'll continue with all my home meds, there won't be any actual chemo drugs administered for a little while. The biggest immediate concern is whether or not the fluid will come back around my lungs. Time will tell...time will tell a lot of things. But for now I'm optimistic that there will be some happy days ahead when I feel like I'm able to leave the house for places other than just the clinic or hospital. Maybe even a long-awaited visit to Muth!

Off to MN this weekend for Mighty Mark's first communion. High hopes of getting past the fever issues and enjoying their predicted 80 degree high temp with sunshine!! Say a little prayer we're able to hit the road without a problem.

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