Monday, April 02, 2007

Computer Problem Solved

Hi Folks. Sorry to have not been in contact sooner but our computer was misbehaving. Thanks Deb for the solution! (I won't go into the easy fix for fear of embarrassing myself.)

So anyway...I had a treatment last Wednesday. This was the second round with the new Navelbine chemo drug. I went without the steroids this time and managed to sleep that night with no problem. I've had some tired and queasy days, but no actual nausea. So while I still feel fairly crummy, it could be a whole lot worse.

We did a chest x-ray again on that Wed morning and there was a little bit of fluid that had returned around the right lung again. For now we're just keeping an eye on it. The hope is that this chemo will do it's thing and prevent that fluid from building up. My breathing is the best indicator and so far I haven't had a problem taking a deep breath. Since I don't want to have to undergo any kind of surgery, let's all pray that the fluid stays away.

Dominic had a great week in MN over his spring break! Thanks to everyone there for entertaining, transporting, feeding, and playing with him. Tomorrow is the big day of his road test. Keep your fingers crossed! This Mom isn't as optimistic as she'd like to be.

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