Friday, February 10, 2006

I Can't Begin to Imagine!

I got a call this morning from my friend, Sheryl. I could tell by the shake in her voice that this was not going to be happy news. The husband of a friend of ours was killed in a snowmobiling accident last night! Every hair on my body stood on end. Some of you know Dave, for sure. He's the husband of Jody, a step-cousin of Brian's. They have two little girls at home. I can't seem to get this awful image out of my head. How does one even begin to deal with such an unexpected, overwhelming, major life-altering loss?!

I'm doubly freaked out by the fact that Brian is right now, at this very moment, up north snowmobiling with "the guys." I know he's safe and having fun and in no way any further jeopardized than he was before Dave's tragedy. But it makes my worry meter go way, way up!!

Someone asked me if I'm still planning to drive to MN today. Sure I am. I told her that, if I didn't, I would find myself driving up north and dragging Brian home instead. (And we all know that would just get ugly.) So I'm going to MN to see my family there and hug them all. And I'll breathe a HUGE sigh of relief when I see Brian at home on Sunday.

My heart goes out to Jody and her little ones, and all of their family and friends. What a sad, trying time for them all...and what a hopeless, helpless feeling for those of us who want to reach out in some way and ease their pain.

Life's too short. Hug your loved ones extra tight today!

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