Friday, February 17, 2006

Rochester, Here I Come

It's official! I have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester at 7am on Tuesday, February 28th. I'm not sure yet if we'll go west on the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before. There are a number of things to factor in.

So on my lunch hour today I will begin to gather my records. That's a pretty big undertaking with 5 years of information to gather.

I will keep you posted on how the plans work out. They said to plan on 1-3 days. Throw in travel time and we're looking at practically a whole week! Not sure yet what to do with Dominic. Hate to yank him out of school for this, but also hate to be gone a week at Mayo and then gone 10 days on vacation and see him only on Friday.

Anyone available to keep Dominic at your house if we leave him behind while in MN? (he'll HATE that!) Also, Brian has his pre-op for his knee surgery on March 2nd, so maybe he'll need to stay home with Dominic so he can keep that appointment. If that happens, is anyone available for a road trip --- either all the way from WI, or just from Mankato? I don't mind doing the drive myself, if it comes to that. I just don't know that I want to sit alone for hours on end at Mayo.

I'm glad that they're able to get me in before the radiation is scheduled to begin. Our insurance may be fairly useless for this additional opinion, but it will be worth every cent! You can't put a price on peace of mind!!

Stay warm...

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