Monday, June 12, 2006

I got the jimmy legs!

I think I'm using that Seinfeld reference properly --- ??

What I'm trying to say is that I seem to be dealing with 'restless leg syndrome.' That's a self-diagnosis, however. My legs feel all jittery and weird and I'm losing a lot of sleep because of it. Unfortunately, I don't know if this started right after the Procrit shot or right after the blood transfusion. I do know that I need to talk to someone at the clinic tomorrow though and find out what to do about this. It's making me crazy!

I did not golf on Friday night. (Sorry Hendrikses and Thorns!) What I did do, instead, was take a two and a half hour nap. How's that for being re-energized? Still I haven't noticed a huge improvement from the transfusion.

I did golf this afternoon with Brian and Dave Ludens in a scramble/best ball tournament. We used 4 of my tee shots!! We had a lot of laughs out there.

I hope everyone is rested and relaxed from the weekend, and ready to move in to this new week. It will be a short work week for me as Dominic, KB and I are headed to the Twin Cities. We're specifically going to see the Body World exhibit. It will be quite fascinating to see the inside of the human body without all the blood and gore. Can't wait!

Hoping everyone is well. Please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming my way! I greatly appreciate them...and definitely need them. THANK YOU!

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